Saturday, 29 December 2012

Harpy Interceptor

Hey all, as you may or may not know 6th edition of Age of the Emperor has some funky new toys for the legions. One that has caught my eye is the Harpy interceptor which is a full blown Astartes strike fighter.

Altho not too differant from the Stormtalon stats wise its got a few nice features. Im currently in the progress of making one from a Talon.

Progress so far.

Ok got some more done to it and dunno if i wanna add anything else.

And finished and painted

Sunday, 23 December 2012


Last of them are finished.

The last few days have been nothing but an extended blur involving paint and toy soldiers lol but they're done.

Company 2 by New Year? lol. (no)

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Promised Pics

Pics of the next 4 squads.

Just gotta base and varnish the final 2 and thats the lot.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Getting close

Its nearing the deadline. 2 days left and 20 marines left to paint. 80 fully painted 60 of which are also fully based. Hopefully have some pics up 2morrow!

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Betrayal battle report

A few days on, a few more marines done.

Also check out the battle report of our recent game using the new Betrayal rules.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

More Progress

Been a few days but have now finished the devastators and an assault squad.

 40 marines down, 60 to go and 19 days.